blue backpacks and changes
Nate sighed and frowned as walked to Daniel’s car, blue LLBean backpack stuffed with second grade essentials. “I’m really going to miss you, Mom.”
This is the first year I haven’t gone to school with him, not packed my lunch besides his. I was a teacher’s aide at his school for two years, so we’ve always had the same schedule. But this year, I have a new job somewhere else.
A lot has changed at the Archer household in the past few months and today is where it all comes to a point: the first day of school.
It’s a new grade, new schedule, new job, new house. All requiring an insane amount of work.
Nate wore a frown as he and Daniel drove off, and I stood there, waving, still wearing my pajamas and bedhair. The silence and nothing-to-do-ness welcomed me back in the house. What on earth do I do now?
I took a nap.
It was FABULOUS. I also watched TV, shopped online. My new job starts in a couple of weeks, so my life right now is slow and really, really quiet. Tomorrow is a big day: a doctor’s appointment and lunch with Daniel in (GET THIS) the middle of the workday.
It’s like the best thing ever.